Thursday, February 3, 2011

Boys' First Ski Trip

In preparation for the boys first ski trip, they received lots of ski gear for Christmas from both sets of grandparents. Tod and I really wanted their first ski trip to be successful and for us coastal southern beach bums that means being as warm as possible.

We decided to stay fairly close to home for this trip so as not to spend too much time or money until we knew for sure that the boys would enjoy skiing. And boy did they! We went to Wintergreen Resort in Virginia where they have had a very cold winter and have been able to make a lot of snow in addition to the natural snow that has fallen. With a 60" base, conditions were perfect!

Day 1, we decided the boys would go right into a group lesson because neither Tod nor I could fool ourselves into thinking we could possibly teach the boys to ski. After the lesson, they were ready to hit the green slopes. Or so we thought. Let me tell you, as a very amateur skier myself, I was in no way prepared to deal with helping them as they slipped and fell all the way down the mountain. Once onto the chairlift, we were able to collect ourselves enough to know they were NOT ready to ski yet. We took a lunch break and immediately enrolled the boys in a private ski lesson. BEST MONEY EVER SPENT! They came from the private lesson able to stop and turn (which as it turns out comes in very handy). We successfully skiied the remainder of the day.

The next morning, the boys were begging for another ski lesson so we signed them up for a half day private lesson this time. Their instructor was wonderful! He bought them hot chocolate when they were cold and tired and really boosted their confidence and had them looking like they had been skiing for years. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly children learn things (this coming from a full grown adult who didn't learn to ski until I was in my twenties). The boys would start at the top of the mountain, point their skis downward, and off they went with no fear whatsoever. Jackson gradually learned that turning really does come in handy and Austin, who was taught how to turn properly, just doesn't find all that slowing down necessary. Considering the speed with which he flew down the mountain, the fact that he only took out one sign on the way down was quite surprising.

Anyway, I didn't take many pictures for fear that I would destroy my new camera during a fall but here are a few we took before we headed out to the slopes....

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