Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Christmas, Round 1

Tod's parents, Tom and Ginnie, spend the past few days with us to celebrate Christmas. We don't normally celebrate quite this early, but Tod and I are taking the kids to Grand Cayman the week before Christmas and the trip limited our options. Anyway, we had a great visit with them and of course, the kids were thrilled to be getting presents so early! We did the full celebration complete with a feast of a meal that we all devoured. Here are some pics.

Austin ripping into the first gift

Jackson ripping into his first

Jackson got an I spy book. He loves it!

Yikes! Austin got his first skateboard.

Jackson got an awesome microscope. Perfect start for his career as a scientist (which is of course his "backup plan" if the basketball thing doesn't work out)

My defiant child (kidding) in his Duke jersey. Doesn't he know we are Tiger fans?

At least Austin knows what team to cheer for!

The boys are dying to help Grandma open one of her gifts!

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