Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Myrtle Beach Marathon 2009

Jackson and me at the Fun Run

Tod at the starting line

My spot at the 26 mile marker

Tod at the half way point still smiling as he grabs a gel for the second half!

Barely smiling in the rain at the finish. A job well done!

This past weekend, our family headed down to Myrtle Beach for their annual Marathon weekend. On friday night there is a 5K and a family fun run (which Jackson and I did) and then on Saturday there is a half and full marathon. Last year, Tod and I both did the half and had a great time. Due to some nagging injuries, I decided to sit the race out this year and I was so glad that I did. It allowed me to focus on Tod's first full marathon. He has trained so hard for this race and had set a goal of 4 hours. After weekend after weekend after weekend of long 18 mile runs, the race was finally here. We awoke to perfect running weather; cloudy and in the upper 40's. There was rain in the forecast but we were hopeful. I headed out with Tod to the starting line and watched the huge mob take off. I then headed to the halfway point to wait for Tod to come through. I was able to watch a lot of my friends finish the half marathon course while I waited. Much to my surprise, Tod came through at 1 hour and 50 minutes, which equates to a 3hour and 40 minute marathon. Much faster than he had planned but he was feeling good and strong and smiling big as I re-loaded him with gels for the second half. I was very nervous about whether he would be able to hold his pace or if he would crash from going out too fast. Time seemed to stand still as I waited at the finish for him. Finally at 3 hours and 54 minautes I saw him coming in. It has started to rain about 20 minutes earlier, but all in all the weather held out for him. I ran him into the finish and he ultimately beat his goal by finishing in 3 hours and 55 minutes; an awesome marathon time, especially for a beginner. And while he hobbled around much of Saturday and Sunday but felt much better on Monday (he even got on his bike to start training for his triathlon in 4 weeks!!!)
The rest of the weekend was spent shopping and eating and playing. Jackson and I did the Family Fun Run on Friday night (his second time) where he came in at 10 minutes for 1 mile; his best time ever! All in all we had an awesome time and can't wait to go back next year!