Sunday, August 24, 2008
Santa Claus is coming in August?
Okay, well not exactly, but the kids think his Papa (Shayla's dad) is even better than Santa. And in some ways he probably is to them. Papa came down on Saturday morning for a very quick visit with the boys and a little babysitting duty (of course). The boys were so excited and were not disappointed as Papa told them as soon as he got here that they could choose the restaurant for lunch. Of course, it is always a tough decision between Burger King (yuck) or McDonald's (double yuck). They decided, probably based on the toy of the week in the kids meals, that it would be Burger King. After that, they all settled in for a fun afternoon of playing. Then while Shayla and Tod were off for a fun evening with their supper club, Papa took the boys to O'Charley's for bread, macaroni, and key lime pie. After some basketball and more playing Papa bathed them and tucked them into bed. Papa had to leave Sunday morning to go back to Greenville, SC but not before they went to Krispy Kreme for doughnuts (are you seeing a food trend here? Can you say junk?) The boys were sad to see Papa go but are already counting down the days until he comes back (this time with Mimi) for Austin's birthday party. In the meantime, I'll be loading them up on fruit and veggies to offset their next visit!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Now, this is living...
Well that's Jackson new favorite saying. He used it quite a bit yesterday on our trek down to Broadway at the Beach. We had a blast! We set out on our adventure around 9:00 am and were filled with anticipation at what our day would bring. The weather was beautiful after the rainy Wednesday we had. We arrived at Broadway around 10:20 and went straight to Magiquest (which I had heard could get very crowded). Luckily, I think everyone had spent their rainy Wednesday there because it wasn't crowded at all. Jackson picked out his magic wand and we waited for our training. The intial signing in and training took almost an hour but we were off for our quests. For those of you who aren't familiar with Magiquest, the kids (and some adults) run around a fantasy world on quests to find different objects and earn rumes. After each quest you are awarded different powers and abilities that will serve you later in your adventures. We managed to accomplish 7 quests in our 90 minutes of frantic running and searching. When we return to Magiquest, and we will definitely go back soon, our wand (which is ours to keep) will remember what we've done and we can pick up where we left off. That means only 5 more quests and we will be ready to begin our Master Magi Rune Quest, which apparently is a big deal to the elementary school age set (particularly boys).
Anyway, after nearly 3 hours in Magiquest, we were starving and headed right over to Margaritaville where we enjoyed fun music, a fake hurricane that rains tequila (try explaining that to a 7 year old), some yummy food and great weather (we ate outside on the patio).
After lunch, it was off to the Build a Bear Workshop. Tod thinks Jackson is a little old for this, but I kind of like that he still has a cuddly, affectionate side. I know that it won't last forever so I am enjoying it for now.
Lastly, we made our way to IMAX theatre for a 3D Dolphin and Whale movie which was great. Our whole family loves dolphins and whales so this show was right up our alley.
After the movie, Jackson really wanted to play miniature golf, but there was no way I could have managed. I was beat!!! So we headed back to Wilmington where we made some make your own pizzas for dinner (one of Jackson's favorites).
All in all, we had an awesome day. Jackson said the only thing that would have made it better is if we lived right next to Broadway at the Beach. He says, "Now, THAT would be living."
Getting ready to go

Are we there yet?
Picking out his wand
Waiting for training
My little parrothead at Margaritaville
Build a Bear Workshop
Cool 3D glasses at IMAX
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Rain, Rain, Go Away!
Even though we understand that most of our relatives in South Carolina would LOVE to have all this rain, Jackson and I have had enough! Since Austin is spending the week in Greenville with the Steens, we decided we would use this unfortunate weather as a chance to clean the house!! I am sure Jackson is thrilled (kidding) but he has been a great helper (he is the master of the swiffer vac!). Of course, you must start the morning off with some cinnamon rolls if you are going to have energy to clean all day! We have made our way through the downstairs already and only have the upstairs to go. After all of our hard work, we are going to treat ourselves to a day at Myrtle Beach tomorrow. On the itinerary are Magiquest, Imax, lunch at Margaritaville, and last but not least Build a Bear Workshop. We will definitely update with some pictures after our adventure tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Beach Night!

We have spent many Friday nights this summer at the "L shaped Lot" at Wrightsville Beach. Those of you familiar with this area know that this nickname refers to the shape of the parking lot at Beach Access 4 at Wrightsville Beach. With free parking in the evenings, restrooms, and showers, it is hard to find a better spot to spend with friends. We usually bring our own dinner, coolers, and beach toys and gather around 5:30. The kids have a blast playing in the ocean and on the lifeguard stand while the adults unwind from a busy week of work and obligations. Of course, we end up having such a great time that we end up staying until way past dark. Here are a few pictures from our latest outing...
Jackson and Finn

Austin and Jackson
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Running Clubs
As we have mentioned before, Jackson participates in a kids running club. The group meets each Sunday and Tuesday evening for some stretching, education, short sprints and then a "long" one mile run. The group is training for a special end of summer 5K especially for the club members. Jackson is so lucky that some of his friends are also in the running club. Here are a few pictures from his latest outing...
Finn and Jackson
After a long, hot run!
Also, Austin loves "Daddy's running club". They (well, Austin and Daddy) meet several nights per week for about a third of a mile run. This run is normally followed by a mile bike ride, as well. I guess it goes without saying that boys have a LOT of energy and this is just one way we try to help them "spend" it!!! Here are a few pictures from "Daddy's Running Club!
The Bike Portion
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Camp, Parties, and More...
What a fast week we've had! Jackson spent the week with the Steens in Greenville doing all sorts of fun things. He went to Frankie's Fun Park (more than once), swam a lot in the Steen's neighborhood pool, spend a wonderful day with the Dursts, went to beautiful downtown Greenville, and ate at his favorite restaurants, Gattitown and McDonald's! Back in Wilmington, we were also very busy with Austin going to camp at his school each day, attending birthday parties at the beach, and celebrating at an end of the year swim team party at the pool. Both of our boys received some ribbons and trophies. We are so proud of both of our swimmers; they both came so far this season.
Well, we are all excited to leave in a bit to go get Jackson from the Steens! We are thrilled to have him back home!

Austin on his way to Livi and Lily's Party

The birthday girls and their friend Erin
Well, we are all excited to leave in a bit to go get Jackson from the Steens! We are thrilled to have him back home!

Austin on his way to Livi and Lily's Party

The birthday girls and their friend Erin
Austin listening to the awards at swim team party
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