Monday, July 28, 2008

Welcome to our family blog!

We are so excited to create this blog so that our friends and families (especially those who are far away) can keep up with our latest family events! We have been having a wild summer so far. We began the summer with a great trip to Ocean Isle Beach with the Steens and Glenns. We all had a great, relaxing time but no one more than the cousins. Jackson, Austin, Hayley and Ella are so lucky to have each other and thoroughly enjoy each others' company. We spent most of our time on the beach, on the boat, or on the fantastic porch of the vacation house.

After our return, we settled in for an exciting swim team season. Both of the boys participated on the swim team this year and did so well. The season is over (with the exception of our end of year party which takes place on Friday night) and we are now into our lazy days of summer. We fill our weeks with lazy days at the pool, free movies at the local cinema, Beach Night Fridays with our wonderful friends, and of course running. Tod and Shayla are both training for another half marathon. Jackson is participating in a local kids running club and is "training" for a kids 5K that takes place the end of August. Austin (not being old enough for the kids running club) is participating in what he calls "Daddy's Running Club". It takes place in our neighborhood and consists of short runs (with some biking thrown in as well!)

The only downside of our break from school has been a break-in at our home. While Tod was out of town on business, our house was broken into. Luckily, no one was hurt (the boys slept through it all) and two of the three thieves were caught. All of our things were returned (with the exception of my wallet and cellphone) and we are finally getting back to normal.

Thanks for visiting our blog! Hopefully we have caught you up on our summer!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So fun that you have started a blog! Great to hear the latest news and see the boys growing so big! Glad to hear you all are doing so well!

Claudia, Scott, Emerson, and Ian